Blog has moved..

I have been quiet lately as I have been working hard on building my new blog Rebel In Motion Fitness on as it has more functions available for me to grow my blog like I envision it.

I would love to stay connected and if you wish to stay connected please follow me there or I can be found mostly here on my Instagram!  I will be able to follow back too 🙂

I use to do photography and I really like the platform on Instagram for sharing photos 🙂


Just Breathe

The final countdown to Christmas is on! Are you Ready?

I have started a list this morning to keep track of everything I have to do. If I don’t I know I will forget something!

This can be such a very stressful time for a variety of reasons for people. One way to help Relax is to Just take a moment and Breathe.

When we are stressed out, our sympathetic nervous system goes into fight or flight mode by, raising our blood pressure, speeding up our breathing, and releasing stress hormones. Slow, deep breathing activates our parasympathetic nervous system instead, and this puts the brakes on that series of events.

Any kind of intentional breathing will be helpful when you’re caught up in a storm of emotion. The trick here is to notice that you’re overwhelmed and remember to breathe, which isn’t as easy as it sounds sometimes.

Take five long, slow deep breaths in through your nose, and then exhale slowly through slightly parted lips. Repeat as often as necessary.

Have a great day!
Stay Strong.


What’s For Breakfast?

Breakfast. The most important part of the day!

This breakfast was even approved by a sweet 3 year old! It took not even 10 minutes to get ready! Super easy  and it was very filling!

Image may contain: fruit, dessert and food

Kodiak Power Cakes -makes 2-3 servings

1 cup Kodiak Power Cake mix

1 Cup water

I used a 1/2 tsp of  coconut oil to grease my pan.

It made 7 small pancakes

Sauce : PB2 Chocolate

3 tbps- mixed with water – you want it runny enough to pour over pancakes.


1 banana

8 strawberriesImage may contain: fruit, dessert and food



​This time of year is super crazy, but I have a mini challenge for you. 


 As many squats as you can do in a day. Every day of the holiday season please try and beat the number you did before.

 Do some when you get up, lunchtime, bedtime ,anytime you go to the bathroom, try to get them in where ever you can! Squats are the queen of all exercises!!! 

They are the largest muscles, they need  to be worked very hard. But most importantly they  work muscles we need for everyday functions and to help us prevent premature aging and to age better!

We need them to get in/out of our chair/couch, to walk,our posture, to get off the toilet even, and there are many others too! 

So if you are dreaming of retiring and enjoying that retirement,  what are you waiting for? Get Squatting!!!!

Staying Healthy for the Holidays

Staying Healthy for the Holidays can be a concern for some and with Christmas arriving in a matter of a few days I have a few tips.

But first here, are a few thoughts. Will it affect you if you splurge? Will it de-rail you from your goals? Will it really make that huge of a difference? Depending on how old you are and what health issues you have, for the majority of people, probably not. But if it is a concern to you, I think it does help if you go into any holiday season or social gathering with a plan of action and stick to it.

Some of the things I do are:

I enjoy the odd drink but keep the water close on hand. Think about it. Do you want to drink or eat your calories?

Appetizers, munchies, pies, cakes or dainty trays. It is OK to enjoy the odd treat, you just don’t need to sample all of them or more than once 🙂

Let’s keep it real. It is a fact for many of us that the older you get, the slower our metabolism is. There is no magic number that this starts to happen. Some of us, it happens quicker than we want it to. Our metabolism is just one of the many things that slow down as we get older. There are some of us with hormonal issues too and our metabolism can just stall right out! You look at food and the scale goes up five pounds.

So I know with some of my health issues exactly where those treats are going to stay! So I either avoid them or have a taste and move on.

But my number one tip is this: Filling up on more protein and veggies and just small samplings of the rest of the buffet. It really does help to avoid that post meal coma we experience after a holiday meal. Plus it really helps me to keep better blood sugar management.

I would love to know what some of your tips of staying on track during the holidays are?holiday-tips

Photo credited to Michigan State University.

Yeah!! Certified!

Late Dec 14th I received notification! I am now Certified as a FIT CHICKS(R) Fitness & Nutrition Expert!! The Fit Chicks Academy  is a 200 hr curriculum course.  Other courses I researched focused on only 1 area of health & wellness or were just a weekend long. Then you have to buy other courses to build on that and pay for  each of their examinations too.

The Fitness & Nutrition Expert program is a 12 week certification program that teaches you about becoming a TOTAL Health Coach. It covers  fitness, nutrition, wellness and business  All of these have an affect on our total fitness.

I have 2 more certifications coming hopefully next week to build on this and I am excited to st learn even more! Yes, hands on is super important to have too, but so is knowledge as this field like so many others is constantly changing.

I also want to thank you all for listening (reading) about my journey.  I appreciate every one of your likes and comments. It is very encouraging and this  is only the beginning.

2017 will  definitely be interesting!!

Have a great day and as always, Stay Strong!!


December Fitness Challenge – Day 15

December Fitness Challenge – Day 15

Wow! 10 Days till Christmas!

Are you Ready? I have some more to do and hopefully Saturday, I get it all done.

So Thursday’s workout is all about the core! This is not counted reps but timed as we want to maintain proper form.

Have a great day and keep warm. 🙂 Stay Strong!

Keep in touch with me on Instagram during the holidays! 🙂


25 Fun Family Christmas Traditions

My dad is in a care home and I got a call today to ask for permission  for them to take him out tonight to see the Christmas Lights. What a conundrum this simple task got to be! Unfortunately I live 2 provinces away and I am unable to do this myself. It is great that they do this for the residents.  So I started thinking about Family Christmas Traditions  that I grew up with and I thought I would  share them.

Some of these are traditions that I grew up with, we do every year with my children. A few of these I have never done and I think they might end up being new traditions. I am sure that there are many more that could be added to this list.

What are your family Christmas Traditions?

  1. Pick out a Christmas Tree Together
  2. Decorate the Christmas Tree Together
  3. Go to a Santa Parade and Community Tree Lighting Event
  4. Christmas Concerts
  5. Christmas Movie Marathon
  6. Make up a Family Christmas Favorite Playlist
  7. Do up a Christmas Family Greeting Video to send out
  8. Get Family Pictures done or Kids Photo with Santa
  9. Go for a Sleigh Ride and sing Christmas Carols
  10. Go for a drive and check out the Christmas Lights
  11. Game Night with a Hot Cocoa Bar
  12. Red/Green Day
  13. Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition
  14. Christmas Cookie/Gingerbread  House Decorating Party
  15. Christmas Dainty Cook Off
  16. Adopt a family for Christmas
  17. Donate to a Christmas Hamper
  18. Do up an Operation Christmas Shoebox
  19. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen
  20. Bring Treats to a Senior’s Care Home and Sing Carols
  21. Donate Food or Old Blankets to an Animal Shelter
  22. Send Care packages or cards to Soldiers Overseas
  23. DIY Christmas Ornament, Wreath or Cards Party
  24. Build a snowman competition
  25. Christmas Eve Church



Daily Prompt