One year later….

I started this blog a year ago, but life and a new adventure got in the way. I have been working hard on getting certified as a fitness instructor with the Fit Chicks Fitness & Nutrition Expert program! I highly recommend their program if this is something you are interested in. I am still working on assignments, but I am so impressed with the amount of information that I have learned. I can’t wait to get certified! Once I have my certificate I can also get accrediated by Can Fit Pro as a Fitness Instructor Specialist (FIS) and hopefully soon as  a PTS! There are so many  career choices that one can go into with this field, that I have not quite narrowed down a niche to specialize in yet. But I do hope to be able to inspire and help motivate people to a  happier and healthier life. Stay tuned as I will be sharing more of my journey soon!28987225a1484e49ec2840fd4986c6a1

Stronger and Healthier

My journey is not about becoming skinny. It is about being stronger and healthier. Making changes in my lifestyle. Just good, clean eating, exercising as best as I can and not letting my health issues get me down. Along the way, I hope that it will inspire my children to do the same.

Stronger and Healthier